Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Well I've finally broken under the pressure to start a blog so here it is. I have never considered having one before, as I find them self-serving , but I am also learning so much new about myself and possibly can give some tips, or take them for that matter!
A quick back story on me. I was in a relationship that went nowhere for nearly 9 years. I finally ended it and my life seemed to open up. I recently graduated from college and I got a job 11 hours from home where I know no-one. I saw a friend ( I mean really saw them) for the first time around the time I was offered this job, and we have been seeing one another ever since, despite the distance as he is 10 hours away. He is an amazing man, and I am so blessed to have him in my life.
So for the first time I'm really living a life of my own, and starting everything anew is far harder than I ever expected. So without further adieu, I invite you to share in my triumphs and struggles, and possibly take some insight from them. Enjoy!!

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